1.1.4 New Update! Send your card to Friends!
GLOW Note, a sequel to Neon-sign Look At Me, is now available!
- Korea App Store no. 1 ranking for 3 consecutive weeks (Oct 28 – Nov 18, 2011)
- US App Store photo category no. 4 ranking
- Over 2.4 million downloaded for 3 months!
=== Notice! ===
At the moment, sharing note function is not working property. Please be aware of this when you purchase the item!
GLOW Note for all your electronic display needs
- Tired of the existing simple electronic display app?
- Want to create your own special electronic display?
- Bored when you’re waiting your friend to finishing signing at karaoke?
- Want your electronic display to always appear on TV?
- Want to show the lyrics of your favorite song through electronic display?
GLOW Note provides revolutionary features that can’t be found in other existing electronic display apps
- Reinforced text effect (emoticons, special characters, refined colors & fonts added)
- Applies separate animation (able to apply separate animation effect per object)
- Provides Move / Enlarge / Edit functions
- Dozens of stickers per each category
- Moving frame with eye-catching effect
- Background Edit / Photo Edit functions (black & white / hazy)
- Background Effect Sound / My Music Import functions (useful for making a propose and writing lyrics)
- Auto Save / Edit functions
- Universal support (phone/pad simultaneous support)
*Stickers and frames are continuously updated
GLOW Note is ideal for following purposes
- Creating eye-catching cheer chants
- Confessing love to your admirer (Love Actually)
- Creating and sharing the same cheer chants among fan club members (Share function support expected)
- Cheering on your friend at sports field / karaoke
- Creating musical refrain to your favorite song
- Cultivating your child’s imagination as a toy (picture board)
- Catching a cab
- Informing your whereabouts at crowded places
The next version of GLOW Note will support the following functions
- Voice recording function during playback (ideal for proposing!)
- File Share / Transfer (share files with your fan club members / friends)
- Create your own cheer chants for your celebrity starts with the reinforced sticker frame
* Support Email
[email protected]